Authentic & Respected Leadership


2 Days

6-18 attendees

The more effective leaders have learnt to have their own authentic way of leading others. Attributes such as what are their best skills to use so that they do not derail themselves or the others they are being a leader to. They also learn how to monitor and minimize the use of their weaker attributes so that the level of respect by those followers is not diminished.

In this program, Leaders will explore these skills through learning processes and discussions that will uncover the variances between the current Leader they may be and the requirements they need to improve upon to become the Leader that is needed. Theses Leaders will learn how to combine being – Authentic, Resilient, Empowering Communicative & have an aura of Respected Authority.

The Outcome:

These Leaders will learn how to attain respect & gain commitment to follow their vision & action plans. They will be gaining the abilities to present themselves in an authentic, trusted, respected authoritative manner

We enact your leaders to grow

Through Learning Process to think both broadly and in detail, to discuss, listen and disseminate value input

Key Mind Learning

Workshops with immediate learning from real projects, conversations and challenges.

Key – Team Effectiveness

Set teams up for success and fast track the path to high performance

Key – Executive Development

A specialized approach to development of key personnel on accountability, systemic thinking and processes

Organisational and Talent Development

Growing your team to all become

Copyright 2020 Key Minds International
Suite B, Level 5, 22 High Gate Street
Auburn, NSW 2144 Australia