Leadership in Organisational Astuteness


3 Days

6-12 attendees

Every Organisation has its internal & external politics , relationships and power dynamics.
It can easily diminish a Leaders stature within a business if not handled in a respectful but controlled process and manner. In this Key Minds course, Leaders will not only learn how to identify arising issues , they will also learn how to evaluate the positions and outcomes desired by all parties.

These Leaders will learn not to become part of the situation rather they become the solution provider. They will know how to appear as a balanced mediator with a fair consideration for all parties positions. They will also be trusted to develop a fair resolution and provide a well balanced implementation of a the visionary solution. The Leaders will become recognized for their astuteness and respected as being authentic in their Leadership.

This course whilst very challenging and in some cases personality changing for that Leader it will create a path for them to become a Key Leader within any organisation.

We enact your leaders to grow

Through Learning Process to think both broadly and in detail, to discuss, listen and disseminate value input

Key Mind Learning

Workshops with immediate learning from real projects, conversations and challenges.

Key – Team Effectiveness

Set teams up for success and fast track the path to high performance

Key – Executive Development

A specialized approach to development of key personnel on accountability, systemic thinking and processes

Organisational and Talent Development

Growing your team to all become

Copyright 2020 Key Minds International
Suite B, Level 5, 22 High Gate Street
Auburn, NSW 2144 Australia